> Hillwalk Tours Blog > Hiking Checklists > Cool down an overheated body quickly: hiking tips
POSTED BY December 6, 2021

Summer is a great season for hiking in Europe. Everything is in bloom, the weather is generally pleasant and there are fun festivals and activities going on everywhere. The only downside to summer is that it can also get too hot, resulting in an overheated body. Extra caution is therefore advisable during the summer months and that’s why we are sharing our cool down an overheated body quickly hiking tips.

Fortunately, with a little preparation, it is not difficult to prevent or treat overheating. With these hiking tips you will learn how to cool an overheated body in a short time.

Cool overheated body

Do you notice the first symptoms of overheating (a lot of sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness)? The following tips will help cool an overheated body quickly.

Seek the shade

On hot, sunny days, choose a walking route with enough shady spots, so that you can immediately look for shade at the first signs of overheating. A path through the forest, a road along the shadow side of a mountain or a covered terrace in a village offer opportunities for a refreshing moment of rest.


Get your feet wet

Do you feel like your body is starting to overheat? Look for a river or beach to stand with your feet in the water. Sweaty feet raise the temperature of the whole body, so a little paddling helps the body cool down after an intensive walk.

The hands, face and ears are also parts of the body where this works well. A splash of fresh water in these areas can therefore be an effective remedy for an overheated body.

Drink (lukewarm) tea

This may sound a bit contradictory. Drink a hot drink to cool down? Yes, lukewarm herbal tea can help maintain body temperature. A warm drink can make an overheated body sweat extra, so that it cools down faster. Especially mint, fennel and nettle are popular flavors for “summer tea”. Does it make you feel too hot? Let a pot of your favorite tea cool for a thirst-quenching iced tea.

Put a wet cloth on your neck

Wet a cloth or piece of clothing and place it over your neck and shoulders. This will quickly provide cooling throughout the body.

Stay calm

If you think you are experiencing symptoms of overheating, it is important not to get stressed. After all, this can make symptoms worse. Stay calm and watch your breathing, while you follow the tips on this list one by one to find coolness.

Prevent overheating

Prevention is of course always better than remedy. These hiking tips will help prevent overheating.

West Highland Way Hillwalk Tours Ltd.
Hiking Scotland, The West Highland Way

Drink enough water

This is of course a no-brainer. Drinking enough water is extremely important, especially when you go for a walk on hot days. Two liters a day is a good starting point – if you sweat a lot from heat and activities, you can add a little more. If you stay well hydrated, you will be less likely to suffer from an overheated body. A slice of cucumber or a sprig of mint in the water can make the daily required liquid tastier and more cooling.

Don’t overeat

Our appetite is often less on a hot day. Our body tries to tell us something with this. It is better not to overeat on hot days, because our body needs less energy to keep the temperature. Eat small portions so that the metabolic system does not have to work too hard and the body stays cooler.

Wear the right clothes

Thin, airy clothing can do a lot for an overheated body. On hot days, try walking in clothes that are not too tight and made of thin, breathable materials.

The Dingle Way Hillwalk Tours Ltd.
Hiking the Dingle Way

Don’t eat too hot

We had already explained that it is wise not to eat too much on hot days. It can also be helpful to watch what you eat. For example, replace that soup with a gazpacho and swap that steaming plate of spaghetti for a cold pasta salad. Also watch out for spicy food, as this may be harder to tolerate on hot days than in winter.

We hope that you enjoyed this guide to Cool down an overheated body quickly: hiking tips. If you’re interested in a hiking holiday in Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, or on the Camino this summer, just get in touch for further information.